July 6, 2010

She's getting Sleepy!

Between the trauma of the actual surgery, and the combination of all the medications they put you on, Shae keeps fading in and out of sleep. This morning at Physical therapy, she fell asleep with her cell phone in her hand, and then she fell asleep again when we got home.

There is a huge cocktail of meds that they give you. You of course get your traditional pain killers, then you get an anti-inflammatory, then you get an antibiotic to prevent infection. You also get something called Robaxin which helps with muscle spasms. When you have FAI surgery, they pull your hip out of the socket in order to get into the joint to operate. When they are finished and they put your hip back into the socket, all the surrounding muscles are extremely angry from being pulled out, and so they go into these HUGE spasms, where you can't even control your leg, and it just shakes non stop. The robaxin works like a charm, but when you combine it with the other meds, it can sometimes be a little too much.

All in all, there is a process when taking these meds, but this is Shae's first surgery, so the meds are definitely knocking her out but are also keeping her out of pain.

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