July 6, 2010

Results from the Surgery

After coming out of surgery, Dr. Philippon came to Shae's room to tell us how her surgery went and what he found. He showed us detailed pictures, which they took inside of her hip while she was under.

Shae, had the pincer and the cam, which is apart of FAI, and her extra bump on her femur head was quite large, and Dr. Philippon said that it was causing her a lot of problems. The catching, snapping, and clicking that was making it hard for her to get out of bed in the morning was coming from the extra bone.

Shae also had to have her iliopsoas lengthened. The iliopsoas is one of the four hip flexors, and Shae's was incredibly inflamed and was causing all of her problems.

Each FAI hip patient can be completely different. For example, when I had my FAI surgeries, my hip pain was coming more from my tear, then from the bone work. For Shae, her pain was coming more from the bone and illiopsoas then from the tear. No matter which situation, FAI in general causes a lot of discomfort and pain in its patients.

Here are some pictures of the inside of Shae's Hip.

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