July 24, 2010

Learning to Walk Again

Shae is getting closer and closer to Day 21, when she is supposed to start coming off of crutches. So in order to prepare her and her hip for walking, we started to do weight shifting during her therapy sessions. She stands next to the therapy table and sets her feet apart and shifts her weight from one foot to the other. Then she does the same thing but now with one leg in front of the other. It doesn't feel very comfortable, and Shae complained of feeling tightness and pressure in her hip. But it does take some time and patience to get used to the new movement.

When you learn how to walk again when you are coming off the crutches, it is really important to engage the glut when you place your foot on the ground. I would always remind myself that every time my heel touched the ground, I had to have an engaged glut. This can sometimes make the pain go away or will at least make it easier to deal with, and it helps to support the hip.

Weight Shifting

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