August 29, 2010

Shae's list to get through school after surgery

So for today's post, Shae has decided to take matters into her own hands and has made kind of a "DO's and DO NOT DO THIS AFTER HIP SURGERY" list to help explain what her first week at school was like after having hip surgery.

She said overall that her first week wasn't too bad, but walking around from class to class and going from school from 7:20-2:20 and then getting in the car to go straight to therapy at 3:15 definitely took it's toll on her hip. She even had to cancel her 3rd session of rehab on Friday because she was in too much pain from the week.

Here is Shae's list of what to do and what not to do to get through school after surgery, and it is a list that she feels will help other hip patients who have to go to school too.

1) Don't wear Jeans-way too uncomfortable
2) Wear sneakers- helps you walk around school and gives you more support
3) Get an elevator key if you can so that you don't have to take the stairs to each class and so that you have access to the elevator to get to class 5 minutes before class ends and 5 minutes before it starts
4) Keep a crutch in the main office incase you need it if you are having a bad day
5) Keep Ice packs in the main office or wherever you can incase you are in pain and need to ice
6) Avoid large groups of people- without your hip brace people don't know that you have had surgery
7) Don't get in and out of your desk quickly
8) Don't sit for too long, try get up to walk around and move every 15 or 30 minutes

And the most important thing of all is to smile, laugh, be happy, and stay happy. You will have your good and bad days but if you try stay positive it'll help you get through the bad days.


  1. More than anything else, my attention was really focused on the video. The baby’s laugh is so addictive that you can’t help but laugh with him. The list is short and very practical. I guess this is also helpful to the patients affected by the ASR hip replacement recall. They may not be going to school, but this too is applicable for them.

  2. It must have been hard for your sister as I read her daily schedule was quite busy. Recovery was hard for me without needing to go to school so I can imagine how strong willed she must be to successfully manage her post op. period this way.

  3. Thank you so much for such a complete blog! I'm heading into surgery next week so I really appreciate this!
